We are proud to announce the release of our renewed website. It goes live on the 1st of December and is located at the same address: http://www.tcandc.com/.

TC&C was once again part of Cisco Live's World of Solutions,in Milan, now for the second time. Thanks for visiting our booth, filling in our quiz and participating in the drawing.

TC&C has been re-certified as a Cisco Premier Certified Partner. Our company has again met all requirements for achieving Cisco Premier Certification, including personnel, support and specialization. We have continued to demonstrate that we are qualified to sell, install and support Cisco solutions.

This year at Cisco Live in San Francisco,  DevNet Zone, the developer community of Cisco introduced its cloud-based lab called DevNet Sandbox. TC&C as a longtime Preferred Solution Partner of Cisco was invited to participate in the program.

The CHALHOUB Group, one of the leading forces in the luxury business in the Middle East has decided to purchase ccConn, the only connector for SAP and Cisco UCCx.

TC&C was again part of Cisco Live's World of Solutions, this time in Milan. Thanks for visiting our booth, filling in our quiz and participating in the drawing.